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Problems accessing edit/admin mode in R2 on non-english OS

<p>How to access edit/admin mode in non-english environments</p>

I installed EPiServer CMS R2 on my computer running Windows XP (Norwegian), but I was not able to access edit/admin mode. I tried setting all the access rights I know of, but EPiServer kept throwing me back to the login box. I didn’t get a ”Login failed” message, so I knew I was authenticated correctly. When browsing the site, I got the right click menu and I was able to do DOPE editing. So everything was pointing towards an access problem.

Mari (http://labs.episerver.com/en/Blogs/Mari-Jorgensen/) put me on the right track by telling me to remove the authentication section in web.config. By removing the authentication section I was able to access admin modus and look up my user. My user was registered as a member of the group Administratorer.  After doing this, I added the following code on the default.aspx page:  <%=EPiServer.Security.WindowsAdministratorsRole.RoleName%> . The code returned “Administrators”, not “Administratorer”.

By adding the role Administratorer to the authentication section in web.config, I was able to access edit and admin as normal! :-)

So, be aware if you are running EPiServer on a computer not running an English operative system or .Net framework! This behavior is reported to the EPiServer support, so this workaround will hopefully be unnecessary in the future.