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Tool for setting ArchiveLink on existing pages released

<p>I'm guessing I'm not the first to experience this.. An editor has already created lots of pages, but didn't set the ArchiveLink property along the way. Now, he wants to activate the Archive function..</p>

Epinova.PageArchiveLinkTool to the rescue!


In web.config, add a location node for the Epinova.PageArchiveLinkTool and define which roles are allowed to use the tool:

<location path="Epinova.PageArchiveLinkTool">
<pages enableViewState="true" />
<allow roles="!!Add your roles here!!" />
<deny users="*" />


Set ArchiveLink on your container page

Set the ArchiveLink property on the root/container page that contains children that have no ArchiveLink set. This value will be used for all its children.
(Note: Only children with no value set will be affected - children with existing values will not be overwritten. )

Specify the root page in the plugin

Open the Epinova PageArchiveLink plugin settings in admin mode.
Set your root/container page in the "Process pages from" field: 

Activate the Scheduled Job

Activate the Epinova PageArchiveLinkTool scheduled job from admin mode.


This plugin is available from the EPiServer NuGet feed.