Digital commerce 2023

Norway's first in-depth survey on the state of Norwegian e-commerce - packed with insights into conditions, trends and measures.

Collage of example pages from the report Digital Handel 2023 by Epinova

The report was prepared by Epinova in the autumn of 2022, based on surveys and interviews with leading e-commerce players in Norway. Here you get a wealth of trend analysis, expert opinions and tips on how your own business can use these insights.

Also read: Digital commerce 2024

In the report, you will find, among other things:

  • Which ecommerce platforms are most prevalent among respondents
  • Whether businesses are able to innovate
  • How customer data affects customer follow-up
  • Which focus areas the companies invest in in the future
  • How many people have had a positive effect from the customer club
  • ... and lots of expert insight around all the findings!


Samples from the report:

Bærekraft som prinsipp - et tekstutdrag fra rapporten "Digital Handel 2023" av Epinova Fokus på innovasjon - et tekstutdrag fra rapporten "Digital Handel 2023" av Epinova
Kundeklubb - et tekstutdrag fra rapporten "Digital Handel 2023" av Epinova Kundefokus -

Our Digital Commerce Advisors

Do you want more information, or a tailor-made plan for your business? Contact!

  • Morten Blomfeldt

    Kundesjef CCO

    • Epost:
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  • Ann Kristin Sørensen

    Seniorrådgiver digital handel CMS, Commerce

    • Epost:
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  • Bilde av Arild Henrichsen

    Arild Henrichsen

    Rådgiver strategi og teknologi, Optimizely-ekspert OMVP, Commerce, CMS, .Net

    • Epost:
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  • Torstein Torblå

    Seniorrådgiver, innsikt og dataanalyse

    • Epost:
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What is the situation in Norwegian e-commerce?

The report is based on surveys and interviews with leading e-commerce players in Norway. Here you get unique perspectives from the inside.

Download Digital Commerce 2024

See also our other guides

Image by Ann Kristin

Do you have both physical and digital commerce?

We have created a guide that contains what we believe is important to focus on, in order to succeed with the interaction between physical and digital commerce.

Download omnichannel guide

Illustration image of the Ecommerce Trends Guide 2023

How are we going to win customers in 2023?

We have created a guide that gives you an overview of which e-commerce trends we think it is important to have an active relationship with.

Download the e-commerce guide